Alma Media > News > Enjoying the flexibility and autonomy of work

Enjoying the flexibility and autonomy of work

Veera enjoys her work as a Web Designer and considers Alma as a flexible and versatile workplace.

Veera works as a Web Designer at Netello, which is part of Alma Media. An IT specialist company helps customers with various online business challenges, such as search engine optimization and e-commerce. A total of 18 Alma employees work at Netello’s office in Turku.

-We are a small and close group that became a part of Alma about three years ago. Alma is an interesting workplace due to its wide range of services and expertise. We are one of the number one media houses in Finland with many opportunities for development, says Veera.

She describes Alma’s culture as developing and moving forward.

Flexibility of work allows living on countryside

For Veera, the most important things at work are flexibility and the opportunity to do multilocational work. At Alma, balancing work and the other side of life has been easy, since work is not tightly tied to time and place.

-My current job allows me to live in the countryside where the soul rests, Veera says.

-The shared goals guide the work on a weekly and monthly basis, but I can organize my work as I best see fit, he continues.

Small words and actions have a big impact

Veera feels the greatest experiences of success in her work when the customer succeeds. This is when you realize that your own work has actually been beneficial to the customer.

Veera emphasizes the importance of giving feedback, as positive feedback strengthens professional self-esteem and improves motivation. It is nice to get feedback not only from customers but also from our own team members.

-Too often feedback is given only when there is something to develop, but one should also remember to praise and say thank you! It is important to note when there is cause for good feedback and to let the praise be heard. Small words and actions have a big impact, says Veera.

Alma as an employer

Alma Media employs around 1,700 experts in more than 10 different countries. Alma’s business consists of media, marketplaces and recruitment services. We develop around 100 different products and services.

Alma’s strengths as an employer are a friendly culture, job with impact and purpose, and the opportunity to grow. Collaboration and courage are essential parts of our culture. In our changing business environment, we need courage – courage to drive innovation, push boundaries, and renew.

For us, courage is not only about big heroic actions, but also those small everyday moments: when you dare to say your opinion, do things in a new way, try and fail. To create new growth, we need courage. And courage grows best together.

  • Published: 27.6.2024, 13:55
  • Category: News, Uncategorized
  • Theme: Working at Alma

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