Alma Media > News > Alma Media’s impact to the society is strongly positive

Alma Media’s impact to the society is strongly positive

Alma Media’s Jobly is the world’s first job portal service to enable value-based job search. Jobly utilizes impact data collected by the Upright technology company. The data explains how different companies affect society, knowledge, health and the environment.

Almost all businesses generate both positive and negative effects. The goal of Upright data is not to tell which jobs are good or bad, but to give job seekers the opportunity to see data on jobs related to their impact and mirror it to their own values and priorities. Alma’s net impact index is +68%, which means that the positive effects significantly exceed the negative ones.

Factors that contribute to Alma’s impact the most

Listed below are the factors affecting Alma Media’s net impact the most.

Knowledge: Creating and distributing knowledge

Through our media, we share information about current news, economics and politics as well as entertainment and lifestyle. Our media reach most Finns weekly. Our news content aims to explain phenomena and help our readers form their own opinions on current issues. At the same time, we defend freedom of speech and pluralistic journalism, where different voices can be heard.

Society: Jobs

We have multiple job search portals across Europe – many of them leaders in their market. With our recruitment services, we help job seekers find the most suitable and meaningful job for themselves. At the same time, we help companies find the most suitable employees, thus we positively impact employment and the sustainable growth of individuals, businesses and society.

Health: Meaning and joy

We inspire human curiosity and help with life’s most important choices, such as changing a car, a job or an apartment. With our digital marketplaces such as and, you can sell and buy as well as search and find — or just dream.

Responsibility and impact are important factors in job search

“More and more employees and applicants are thinking about the impact of companies in the world and are even willing to resign if their own values and the company values are not aligned. This development will only intensify,” says Annika Ruola, Marketing Director at Jobly.

“Jobly was started to build as a job search service of the future, and therefore impact and responsibility are important for us. When we considered the partner, it was great to see that the Finnish Upright Project represents the world’s top in measuring impact,” Annika continues.

  • Published: 5.9.2023, 13:32
  • Category: News
  • Theme: responsibility, Working at Alma

Read more about Alma Media’s net impact on Alma’s Upright profile.

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