Alma Media > Alma for advertisers > Programmatic advertising > Performance-based marketing

Performance-based marketing

Performance-based advertising is online advertising in which the advertiser only pays for the actual results achieved. Performance-based advertising is particularly well suited to directing visitor traffic and engaging in sales promotion for an online store.

The Alma network provides a cost-per-click model for performance-based advertising. The advertiser only pays for clicks by visitors, which makes advertising risk-free. In the Alma network, advertising is displayed in a safe media environment on domestic and well-known Alma Media websites. Our system uses automatic optimisation to display your advertisement on the Alma network websites and advertising spots in which it is the most effective

The bid (price for the click) is determined in a competitive auction. As such, we do not guarantee visibility on specific websites or advertising placements. The material must direct the viewer to take action and it must contain a prompt, contest or special offer.

Continuous performance-based advertising is an effective way to reach potential customers at precisely the right time. We recommend a long-term approach to achieve the best results. Getting started is quick and easy. Simply set a target for your campaign, plan materials that support your goals, decide on the timing of the campaign and determine its budget. This is all we need to get started.

Creative material instructions

See material dimensions and guidelines here >>

See solutions and minimum budgets here >>

Why performance-based marketing?

  1. Continuous performance –based advertising is effective way to reach the potential customers with purchase intentions
  2. The advertiser only pays for clicks by visitors, which makes advertising risk-free
  3. In the Alma network, advertising is displayed in a safe media environment

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