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Content marketing solutions

IL Content Marketing Articles

Commercial articles to be published among Iltalehti’s editorial content. The content of the articles could be text, images, videos or even a test, for example.

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MediaPrice (€)
IltalehtiUpon request

are a great way to highlight your company’s expertise, or tell about products and services in an interesting way as part of the everyday life of the target audience that uses it. The power of articles lies in long-term and regular content production.

that is, an advertiser’s article published in a print magazine is a newspaper ad written and folded in the form of a magazine article. In an advertorial, for example, you can convincingly highlight the special expertise of your company or present the benefits of the service in the voice of its users.

Article series

A spectacular and long-lasting ensamble, where the advertiser can publish content related to a certain topic regularly. It is possible to build continuous brand visibility in connection with the right content.

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MediaPrice (€)
IltalehtiUpon request

Partner content

Partner Content is a media section where a company can publish its own content as part of a well-known and influential news media

On its own customer-specific aggregation page, a company can publish content suitable for the media environment, such as articles, blogs, podcasts, or videos.

Partner content is excellent, for example, for increasing brand awareness and strengthening the company’s expertise in the decision-making target group.

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Partner content

Visibility consists of: Native,​ Display, Newsletter
Report and analysis of results: Included
Compilation page for publications: Included

Partner content +Business

Näkyvyys koostuu: Natiivi ja Display haluamallasi kohdennuksella
Raportti ja analyysi tuloksista: Sisältyy hintaan
Oma koontisivu julkaisuille: Sisältyy hintaan

Be sure to also ask for an offer for a series of articles

Arvopaperi​, Kauppalehti​, Mediuutiset​, Mikrobitti​, Talouselämä​, Tekniikka&Talous​, Tivi​, Uusi Suomi​, Kauppalehti + KL Toimitilat, Talouselämä + KL Toimitilat​

Images in articles must be in JPG format.

View more comprehensive guidelines >>

Super content

A media space that operates on the advertiser’s terms, with no competing advertising surrounding it, and the brand of the publication elegantly in the background.

Super content provides an opportunity for spectacular expression, movement and interactive content that makes the reader truly engage with the article, leaving an impressive and lasting impression.

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MediaPrice (€)
Iltalehti, Nettiauto, Etuovi, VuokraoviUpon request

Note! Super content is always produced by Alma Brand Studio. ja

Article and Blog

Housing network’s content marketing solution for building and/or strengthening your brand. With content marketing, you can get readers to spend time with your message, you can credibly talk about your product and guide readers to your services.

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Etuovi, Vuokraovi


With an article, you can share valuable information and insights about industry trends, innovations, and solutions.

Attract readers to learn about your company and build your reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable player.

  • In the article, you can use a variety of images and text.
  • An interesting article gets the reader to spend time with your message.
  • A well-crafted message is memorable.
  • The article is published as part of Home contents. It is an authentic media environment surrounded by other advertising and content.
  • The best results are achieved by ordering the production of your article from Alma Brand Studio. Our producers know the readers of and can write in a way that interests them.
  • You can also produce the text yourself and use our editing service.
  • With one article, you can reach 1.3 million unique users in 14 days, get up to 2000 readers, and appear on million page loads.


The blog is a short text article with the author’s picture, links, and text.

Build trust and strengthen the reader’s bond with your company through regular blog writing. Text written with your own name and face is personal and authentic.

  • A good blog text is an attention, opinion, or claim about a hot topic or flaw in the industry.
  • You can build strong linking to your services in the content or even directly to the sales funnel.
  • Blogs in a valuable context are an effective way to strengthen your search engine visibility.
  • Your blog is published as part of Home contents. It is an authentic media environment surrounded by other advertising and content.
  • The content can be your own production and if you wish, we can help with its editing.
  • With one blog post, you can get up to 500 readers nationwide in 7 days and appear on over 300,000 page loads.


A creative concept is a way to implement the campaign in an interesting, addictive and effective way that is conceived and designed according to the customer’s needs.
 The concept ensures that we speak to the right audiences and pick out the themes and perspectives that interest them in your story.
 Our concepts are based on Alma Media’s data and insight from your target group and industry.

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Article production

A professional journalist can tell the story in an interesting way, find perspectives that appeal to readers and headlines that appeal to the audience. We make ready-made content for you easily and reliably.

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Video production

Our video team designs and implements videos for commercials, videos for phones and desktops, websites, trade show displays, hall jumbos, sales manager laptops, seminar openings, TV spots, brand videos, customer stories and social media – for all displays and many needs.

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Podcast production

A business podcast that serves your business goals reaches an audience that listens to audio content. We help you with the conceptualization of the series and the planning of the episodes, we do interviews, recordings and editing – not forgetting the marketing of the episodes.

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Virtual space

When you want to make your content an adventure, we can create a virtual space that fits your theme. Its rooms can have 3D models, sound, videos, articles and images, and the user can navigate the space exploring the content at their own pace. An exhibition space spiced with stories, a studio presenting places or products, its own Academy with speakers, an experience laboratory… only the imagination is the limit.

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Native display

An ad that resembles the content of the service, but is marked as an advertisement. Often directs the customer to content on a website. A cost-effective form of advertising that increases the visibility of your content marketing.

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Iltalehti, Alma Consumer verkosto, Telkku, Kotikokki, Ampparit, IL-osiot, Etuovi, Vuokraovi, liikkumisen palvelut, Autotalli, Nettiauto, Nettimoto, Nettivuokraus, Nettimökki, Nettivene, Nettivaraosa, Nettikaravaani, Nettimarkkina, Nettikone, Alma Business verkosto, Kauppalehti ROS, Uusi Suomi, Arvopaperi, Mikrobitti, Talouselämä, Tekniikka&Talous, TiVi

Additional visibility for content

Retargeting for content marketing readers.

Allows you to get a longer tail for your content marketing campaign. In addition, it allows visitors who are already interested in the topic to be redirected to the customer’s website.

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Retargeting for content marketing readers

980×400 px (max 200 kB)
ja 300×300 px (max 100 kB)

  • Ad format: Giant panorama + Mobile panorama in top spot, with 50/50 share of impressions between devices. The client provides materials used for retargeting.
  • Media: Alma Businessmedia RON 
  • Time: 3 weeks from the date of publication
  • Frequency: Max 6 repetitions / visitor during the whole campaign period. Max 1 repetition / visitor / day.

Additional visibility banner

Additional traffic generation for advertiser content already published in Alma’s media.

Run in the desired media on the Desktop in the column box and on the mobile in the middle.

Banner size:
300x300px (max 100 kB)

Banner production180 €
Retargeting550 €
Additional visibility banner18 €/CPM

Conversational advertising solutions in Partner content

Displayed alongside content marketing articles, this conversational pop-up ad format appears at the bottom of the page, allowing you to communicate complex messages with one ad, aimed at several target groups, at different stages of their purchase path.

Carefully scripted interactions engage readers and make them spend more time with your brand. This strengthens the brand image and provides valuable data on the responses of the target groups.

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MediaCPM‑Price (€)
Kauppalehti, Alma Business RON, Uusi Suomi, Arvopaperi, Mikrobitti, Talouselämä, Tekniikka&Talous, TiviUpon request

Note! Sold with content marketing articles. Production and publishing costs are added to the price.

Conversational advertising solutions

A conversational ad format, shown in Alma Display advertising spaces, allows you to communicate intricate messages with one ad, to several target groups, at different stages of his/her purchasing journey.

Carefully scripted interactions engage readers and make them spend more time with your brand. This strengthens the brand image and provides valuable data from the responses of the chosen target groups.

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Concept options:

  • Gamification
  • Information & Inspiration
  • Recommendation

Conversational ads can be shown in the following advertising spaces:

  • Cross-device Giant Panorama + Vertical Panorama
  • Cross-device Digital full page

Conversational advertising solutions are shown throughout the Alma network.

MediaCPM‑Price (€)
Automotive marketplaces, Mobility services24.75
Nettiauto, Nettimoto, Nettivuokraus, Nettimökki, Nettivene, Nettivaraosa, Nettikaravaani, Nettimarkkina, Nettikone, Autotalli.fi26.60
MediaWeekly price (€)
MediaCPM‑Price (€)
Ampparit, Telkku, Kotikokki, Iltalehti segments24.75
Iltalehti, Alma-verkosto23
Etuovi, Vuokraovi30.00
Kauppalehti, Alma Business RON, Uusi Suomi37
Arvopaperi, Mikrobitti, Talouselämä, Tekniikka&Talous, Tivi39.80

Note! The production cost + €1.50 net CPM is added to the prices.

Live Hour + article

Reach Finns nationwide in a topical media environment with a live broadcast.
This solution is especially well suited for live events, webinars, speeches, announcements, premieres, as well as sports broadcasts.

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Comprehensive visibility alongside the live broadcast :

Pre-marketing before the event
(Cross device giant panorama)
One hour live broadcast in Iltalehti
(Cross device giant panorama)
Reminder advertising
(Cross device giant panorama)
(Produced by Alma Brand Studio)
Production of advertising materials
(Alma Visuals)
Comprehensive report after the campaign

See more detailed instructions for the live banners

Iltalehti, Kauppalehti, Uusi Suomi, Arvopaperi, Mikrobitti, Talouselämä, Tekniikka&Talous, Tivi